Terms And Conditions

We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience at events by introducing the Access Passport feature, based on a trust model. This approach enables you to self-declare your eligibility, ensuring you can access tailored options that enhance your event experience.

Responsibility and Integrity

To maintain the integrity of this system and ensure it benefits those who truly need it, we kindly request that you activate only those options for which you genuinely qualify. This trust-based model relies on your honesty and consideration to function effectively.

Venue and Organiser Rights

Please be aware that venues and event organisers have the authority to monitor and address any misuse of the self-declaration system. If a misuse is reported, you will be asked to verify your eligibility through one of the recognised schemes. Failure to demonstrate eligibility or misuse of the system may lead to a temporary or permanent restriction on purchasing tickets designated for disabled individuals, pending provision of adequate proof of eligibility.

For more information on eligibility and the verification process, please Learn More.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, ensuring that the Access Passport feature serves those for whom it is intended.

Last updated